Mommy's New Years Resolutions - Be More Organized

Here are six New Year's resolutions that I play to implement into my life this year:

1)  To layout my outfit for the next day and my child's outfit for the next day the night before.  I want mornings to be easier and go smoothly.

2)  To stop using my Pack N Play as a gigantic laundry hamper and actually stay on top of laundry. (This will be my greatest challenge.)  (See My Pack N Play Confessions for more on how I use my Pack n Play as a giant laundry hamper.)

Photo of baby girl in pink pajamas3)  To get my mommy first-aid inventory prepared for my growing, curious toddler by stocking up on all of the necessary first-aid items that kids need (band-aids of all sorts, disinfectants, wraps, etc.).

4)  To throw away mysterious Tupperware lids and free up my kitchen space.

5)  To utilize my slow-cooker crock-pot more often - it makes yummy food, saves time, and makes the house smell awesome.

6)  To take a relaxing bath at least 3x a week (at night, after kids are asleep).  A glass of Chardonnay may or may not be there with me.

What are your New Year's Resolutions this year?  Share with us by commenting on this post!

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  1. Share your New Year's Resolutions! I can't be the only one that has them!

  2. Hi MommyMia! Reading yours reminded me of mine! I also have a tupperware lid problem, lol. Right now, I just want to start clearing out some closets, learn a few recipes, and my biggest resolution is to have a baby!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Hi Yunnie! I despise tupperware after cleaning out our cabinet the other night! It was mind-boggling how challenging that was for me. Hmmm...makes me wonder a little bit about myself.

      Learning recipes is a great idea! I'll post some of my favorites on here at some point. Any type of food that you like particularly?

      Having a baby is a great resolution!

      Thank you for your post! :)

  3. Salads! or simple deserts. I know, two ends of the spectrum right? LOL.

    1. Lol. Noted. I have a great pasta salad recipe I can share. Stay tuned for future posts!


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