Looking for a Fast-Read Book?

Name of Book: Gone Girl

Author: Gillian Flynn
Category:  Thriller
Amazon.com Link:  Gone Girl: A Novel

5 out of Stars.

You will not be able to put this book down. It's addicting. You will thank me for recommending this book, but then
you will be mad at me as soon as you finish it because you will feel so bored.

If you're looking for a fast-read book that is impossible to put down, then I highly, highly recommend Gone Girl: A Novel, by Gillian Flynn.  'Gone Girl' is an "I-can't-stop-reading" thriller.  You will be transported into your own little book-world, away from reality, when you open this book.  I can't say too much without giving away the plot or the ending, but holy **** - this is a great book and you will not predict the ending.   I miss reading this book (or the simple act of looking forward to it) in the same way that I miss the TV Show Homeland (on Showtime) until the show starts its 3rd season.  

This is currently my mom's book club book of the month, and I just found out our babysitter is reading it for her book club as well.  It only has 4 out of 5 stars on Amazon.com, but I don't see why it doesn't have 5 out of 5 stars.  This book was like a roller coaster ride for my mind.

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  1. Anonymous20 February

    My coworker Rita and I are starting the book tonight for our own little Book Club! WooHoo!

    1. Give it until about Page 20 (or whenever the end of the second chapter is...).


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